I’ve been working with metal from a young age. I fell in love with blacksmithing. It pulled me into an elemental reality of fire and smoke and the use of my hands to create.
I came into contact with sound instruments through the work of Ton Akkermans, to whom I owe a lot to as a guide to making instruments.
Over the years I've developed an ability to sense and work with energies and spiritual beings.
Central to my work is the power of intention. Through meditation and concentration, I join spiritual qualities with the instruments in cooperation with the elemental beings. At a certain point, as the work draws close to completion, an elemental being will join with the instrument in freedom to carry the energy.
Sound works like a bridge into the world of spiritual experience. It guides you to inner stillness. In stillness, you will find our connection with the divine.
I find a lot of inspiration in what comes to us from older cultures. From times when humanity still retained an understanding of the depths of human experience, which they wove into their myths and customs.
Our world was spoken into being. Through sound we can feel the echoes of this in our heart and soul.
Our ancestors knew it. May we come to feel it once again.
Jesse Blauwhof

The approach i use to working with sound instruments, in both technique and energy work, has been taught to me by Ton Akkermans and Carolina Schomper.
Ton Akkermans is a contemporary sound master from the Netherlands. He has decades of experience with sound and its spiritual significance as a way into our soul and its use for therapeutic purposes.
Find them at www.creationofsound.com
Ár var alda þar er Ýmir bygði
In the Beginning was the Wave, where the Being of Sound was building
-From Völuspá, Poetic Edda