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Sound, Spirit, and the being of man.

Sound accompanies us to silence. In silence, we come to ourselves and we can start to experience a deeper world that lies within us.

After having lived in the woods of Sweden for many years, immersing myself in nature, I began to study the mythology of the ancient Germanic and Scandinavian peoples. These stories had inspired me for a long time but I could not fathom their meaning. After a succession of insights that were given me, it opened up to me and I could start to feel my way towards understanding this ancient worldview.

I have found that ancient Germanic mythology paints an epic picture of man and cosmos, telling the story of man genesis and highlighting many deeply significant truths about our being. It is deeply connected with eastern wisdom teachings such as Hinduism and Buddhism, in which it is hidden as an elementary archetype. Even the word Edda is related to the Veda. Veda means Knowing, which is Veta in modern Swedish, and Weten in Dutch.

During this lecture we will go on a journey into the world of micro- and macro cosmos, exploring the links between man and the spiritual world. Woven into the background, sound and silence, intention and the creative potential of man are addressed.


Would you like arrange for a lecture, either privately or for a larger event?

Please get in touch for costs and booking.

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